wuhu,cny finaly arive,tis is year so hapy,buy many beautiful tings...early morning CHU XI,25/1,help mom prepare 'tuan yuan fan'..mama cook many tings,she so busy,v whole family help like crazy,haha,after tat at 6pm,second round,eat wif my whole KWONG family,wao,again wif nice fish,abalon,king prawn,many many,eat damm full,after tat go temple pray,tradition of our family..after tat is arange all my clothes,bag,shoe,watch,jewel..wao,see ups thr,nice leh....thn jz watch some cny tv show,see fire works..thn is time 2 bed n wait CHU YI lo.....
Chu yi n chu er,same plan,go uncle house,aunt house bai nian,thn will go bck my uncle house at Sekinchan,wuhu,all relatives gather 2gether,so hapy n tat CNY bcome so great,this year gt gamble,i lose rm20,yiu,bt nvm as long as can gamble,at night go eat big nice diner again,thn night eat satey,while all gather 2gether at my uncle house garden n chat,so hapy....
chu si cm bck,thn go a place..'Tong chan shi'
wao,its awesomeee,nice like hell,n finaly see the COW,damm cute n nice...v 1st go eat all the 'SHU SHI',damm nice,bt all so expensive,1 mee can sell at rm8,bt all money earn is 4 charity de,nvm,haha....walk here n thr,see so many tings, gt 1 musuem shw all the budhist ''diao xiang'',so beautiful,all sell at rm6000++,hope i can buy,haha...after see all tings,feel so hapy,bcz its so beautiful....
chu wu,at noon 1st go my aunt bai nian,thn go YK house,thought gamble n many ppl thr,cz stupid gee say gt de,bt whn arive,no1 thr,only gee,her bf n yk..thn wait dan cm start gamble,yiu,lose again n whole gamble boring like hell,im gona curse tat stupid gee...after tat diner wif aunt,wao,big diner again,of cz abalone,duck,n many nice foods,always tat,make me fat lo...at night marketing frens sud date go seremban eat,after go,they duno the direction n keep go wrg,at last go PD liao,although so long time,bt the trip quite nice,n at pd so relax,hope can stay 1 night...
chu liu go out wif qian n how yee,so hapy see thm,they r rely my best long time frens,chat chat chat,n go watch INKHEART,the movie quite nice,shld watch,n v 3 also chat so many,hope can met soon..wu....mon gona start schol lo,assignment n test coming,hate it,wish CNY wnt pass,bt act it already wan end liao,so fast,next year CNY will b end of feb,gosh,hw im gona wait tat long while holding a bunch of new clothes,haha.....come on baby,let make the CNY nt gona end tat boring way.....wuhu....